
"little Irish weavings", traditional reed Brigid Crosses, Crios belts, scarves

  • Business Profile

Business Overview

Welcome to Crios/Cross! I’ve always enjoyed making the two little Irish weaving crafts I offer at Crios/Cross- the famous St. Brigid’s Cross and the Irish Crios. I learned to make both in my twenties, a time in my life where my interest in Irish music, dance, metal and stone work and folk arts really took root- But that’s another story! I make many items to order. If you would like a crios to match a great outfit, or as a special gift, please contact me, you can use the "Request Custom Order" in my Etsy Shop, and see some examples and get an estimate on my Customize page here.

I've had orders from cosplayers, bagpipers in kilts, Irish dancers, musicians and actors, a lovely lady reverend, and of course for handfastings. Criossana can be made for and worn by men, women or children and all sizes are possible with a custom order. Bridesmaids gifts, women's groups, family reunions, christening presents, bookstores, shops-- specially wrapped Brigid's Crosses become a larger part of my work every year. Have a look at what others have requested on my Customize page...and invite Brigid to the party! A Brigid's Cross is the perfect emblem of hospitality and welcome.

You’re welcome anytime. Let me get the tea on.

  • Warren, RI
  • Member since Jul 2022