We are a family-owned hardware store, helping Rhode Islanders for the last 90 years. Stop by to experience good old fashioned customer service, expert advice, and an extensive selection of high quality items you actually need.Durfee Hardware has the feel of an old time hardware store and because of its affiliation with True Value Hardware can provide great merchandise selection at competitive prices. Our hardwood floors, tin ceilings, hand-made bins for nails and brass cabinet hardware, a second floor devoted exclusively to power and hand tools along with the staff to answer any questions makes for an authentic hardware store experience. Enjoy browsing a "real" store without getting lost or ignored in the cavernous size of a national chain store. Touch the product you'd like to buy rather than looking at a picture and paying huge shipping charges like you do with the web. It is more personal than most shopping experiences you have these days. Paul Durfee, the owner, works right alongside his knowledgeable staff to ensure that the service and advice you receive is top notch!We've been around so long that we stock things that other stores don't. Our customers say "if Durfees doesn't have it, you don't need it". While many people visit us for hard to find items or decorator items like cabinet, bathroom, and lock hardware, there is no reason why you shouldn't visit Durfee's regularly. In addition to the specialty items we have all the items you need around your home on a regular basis. Cleaning products, flashlights, batteries, light bulbs, garbage bags, vacuum bags, leaf bags, etc......