Little Maven Lemonade

Little Maven Lemonade is a multicultural company focused on building community, expanding the table

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Business Overview

The idea began innocently nearly two years ago, back when the duo were still living in Massachusetts. Sofia had come to her mother wanting to start a lemonade stand, so Mariana — recognizing that her daughter’s expectations for success would not be met in their quiet town — began to think of some creative alternatives. The result was bottling homemade lemonade she and Sofia made together at home to take to different events.

What started out as a fun experiment quickly grew into something more, as Mariana and Sofia found themselves invited to events at Lesley University and even the Brazilian Consulate in Boston.

“At the time I thought, maybe there is something here that I should be paying attention to,” she said.

That ‘something’ finally clicked once she and Sofia moved to Rhode Island and began to build their lives here in the Ocean State. Constantly, they were surrounded by different cultures — Haitian, Indian, Chinese — and Mariana began wondering what their friends and neighbors drank at home. She and Sofia added a Brazilian limeade and Chinese lemonade to their repertoire, adding facts about the ingredients or the country to every bottle. The idea for international lemonade was officially born.

  • Warren, RI
  • Member since Jul 2022