Sabater Laboratory for Psychological Innovations Inc (SabaterLAB)
Mental & Behavioral Services in English/Spanish Currently Offering Telehealth Services

- Business Profile
Business Overview
You reached out for help! We are here to answer your call! Welcome to Sabater Laboratory for Psychological Innovations Inc. Here at SabaterLAB, we are committed to offering the highest quality psychological care. We provide mental and behavioral health services for children, adolescents, families, and adults in English and Spanish.
In the year 1994, Dr. Julio E. Sabater, had a rough patch in life as he struggled to fully realize his dream of becoming an architect. Leading to a downward spiral of depression and a feeling of being lost, Dr. Julio E. Sabater attended a particular church service in search of a sign. It was the words of the preacher that day that struck a chord in his heart and lead him onto a brand-new path. In 2015, with his wife and co-owner, Ivelisse, Dr. Julio E Sabater, a Black Puerto Rican man, founded SabaterLAB to provide psychological counseling, assessment, and consultation services. Despite the many barriers, these two continue to take the next step through compassion and commitment to serving children, adolescents, families, and adults, through their specialties in mental and behavioral health/recovery, education, and workforce development.
We are more than willing to offer reduced-rate services to uninsured and limited insurance clients on a case-by-case basis. We accept cash, checks, PayPal, cards, and health insurance plans (Blue Cross Blue Shield, United Behavioral Health/United, Beacon, and Neighborhood Health Plan). While one-on-one in-person sessions have proven to be the most effective, we also offer our services to discuss/meet virtually.
For more information, please reach out to us at our email: info@sabaterlab.org or our phone numbers: 401-261-5002 or 401-327-2442
¡Usted buscó ayuda! ¡Estamos aquí para responder a su llamada! Bienvenido a Sabater Laboratory for Psychological Innovations Inc. Aquí en SabaterLAB, estamos comprometidos a ofrecer atención psicológica de la más alta calidad. Brindamos servicios en salud mental y conductual para niños, adolescentes, familias y adultos en inglés y español.
En el año 1994, el Dr. Julio E. Sabater tuvo un momento bien difícil en la vida mientras luchaba por realizar plenamente su anhelo de convertirse en arquitecto. Conduciéndolo a una espiral descendente de depresión y un sentimiento de estar perdido, el Dr. Julio E. Sabater asistió a un servicio cristiano en particular en busca de una señal. Fueron las palabras del predicador ese día las que tocaron una fibra sensible en su corazón y lo llevaron a un nuevo camino. En 2015, con su esposa y copropietaria, Ivelisse, el Dr. Julio E Sabater, un puertorriqueño negro, fundó SabaterLAB para brindar servicios de asesoramiento, evaluación y consulta psicológica. A pesar de las muchas barreras, estos dos continúan dando el siguiente paso a través de la compasión y el compromiso de servir a niños, adolescentes, familias y adultos, a través de sus especialidades en recuperación/salud mental y conductual, educación, y desarrollo de la fuerza laboral.
Estamos más que dispuestos a ofrecer servicios de tarifa reducida a clientes sin seguro y con seguro limitado según cada caso. Aceptamos efectivo, cheques, PayPal, tarjetas y planes de seguro médico (Blue Cross Blue Shield, United Behavioral Health/United, Beacon y Neighborhood Health Plan). Si bien las sesiones individuales en persona han demostrado ser las más efectivas, también ofrecemos nuestros servicios para discutir/reunirse virtualmente.
Para obtener más información, comuníquese con nosotros a nuestro correo electrónico: info@sabaterlab.org o nuestros números de teléfono: 401-261-5002 o 401-327-2442
Meet Your Seller
Dr. Sabater is a Rhode Island licensed clinical psychologist who has worked in clinical, school, community, and faith-based settings for more than 25 years.
Dr. Sabater's diverse academic training and professional experience have afforded him the opportunity to have served as an Observational Assistant, Milieu Clinician, Teacher Assistant, Resource Teacher, Youth Counselor, School Psychologist, Clinical Therapist, and Clinical Psychologist.
Through his work in Worcester Public Schools, The Providence Center, UMASS Healthcare Community Healthlink, Providence Public Schools District, and Children’s Friend, he was also able to advocate for special education services and mental health care for underserved communities.
- Pawtucket, RI
- Member since Jul 2022
Pawtucket, RI, 02860 - Directions