Humans Make Tech

Just-in-time web design with zero tech-splaining.

  • Business Profile

Business Overview

After decades of occasional freelance gigs, Humans Make Tech bloomed into an LLC in spring 2023. We're not here to tech-splain you. We're a queer-owned business helping individuals, small businesses, and nonprofit organizations build, update, or repair websites in WordPress, SquareSpace, HubSpot, and most other modern platforms. We also consult generally on tech-related things, and speak and offer trainings on creating inclusive tech ecosystems.

Meet Your Seller

Photo of Erin White
Erin White of Humans Make Tech

Hi! I'm Erin. I’ve been making websites since 1998, with a focus on accessible, inclusive, simple and effective design. If I do one thing in my life, I want to demystify technology for everyone.

  • Providence, RI
  • Member since Feb 2024