Space Cadets Vintage
We offer a hodge podge of clothes, art, records and more. Never a dull Moment.

- Business Profile
Business Overview
Space Cadets Vintage is a unique, groovy, and ever changing shop located at 450 Main Street in beautiful Warren, RI - Come by and visit Bleu and crew- our inventory is loaded with funky finds at reasonable prices. Items change frequently so we keep you coming back.- you're almost certain to find a gem or two - swing by and poke around. We are always buying from one piece to entire estates. .Meet Your Seller

Space Cadets was born long ago, in a galaxy far, far away- Los Angeles in the 1970s to be exact- weekend yard sales with mom, brother, and great grandmother ignited the spark which soon led to thrift shops and swap meets- we were lucky as we had both in our relatively small town- the local drive-in held a weekly Sunday flea while the AmVets was our go-to “Goondies”, our Spanish slang for “Segundo”, which means “second”- while the thought of owning a vintage shop was never part of the plan- sometimes it’s the unexpected paths which lead us to new discoveries. We are honored to be your East Bay Rhode Island go-to for that special find and yet undetermined discovery- as we like to say “we’re all here, cause we’re not all there”